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  Monday, 18 February 2013
  1 Replies
  7.1K Visits
I've not seen a general Dr. or Nephrologist in almost 2 years. At that time I was at stage 3 kidney disease and my glucose runs 350-450. I'm completely out of ALL my medications (heart, kidney, diabetes, triglycerides, BP, etc.). I have NO income or insurance, so I cannot afford to see a Dr. and get scrips renewed. I DO NOT qualify for SSI, Medicaid, etc. Since I have NO options left to see a Dr., is there an estimate on how long I can live without any treatment whatsoever? When I last saw a Nephrologist, he went from saying I'm dying every time I saw him, to I'm dying SOON without proper treatment. Shpould I get my affairs in order? Or is it difficult to say? Thanks.
11 years ago
Hi Richard,

I'm very sorry for your predicament. I wish I could advise you better about the financial complications of your healthcare, but I live in Canada and am not familiar with the options available to you.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prognosticate without more information. The most important of which would be your current level of urinary protein, kidney function, blood pressure and HbA1C. But if you did not have high levels of urinary protein and you get your blood pressure and glucose under control, kidney function could persist for quite a while. Perhaps you could choose some of your medications to take if not all. Having said that, it is not easy to decide which among the list of medications is more important than other.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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