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  Tuesday, 02 May 2023
  1 Replies
  2.5K Visits
My albumin level in my urine was 54. I'm a type 2 diabetic. My doctor and I are working on getting my sugars under control. I started walking and working out on my elliptical 30 mins or more a day. My urine has had tiny bubbles in it sometimes since then. My doctor thinks my albumin is caused from sugars being elevated and it will go away once my sugars decrease. I'm hoping this is true.
1 year ago

It depends how high is the level of albumin in your urine. Very high levels would likely not respond substantially to sugar control alone and might require the addition of an angiotensin receptor blocker or ACE inhibitor, SGLT2 or mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist. I am afraid I do not have sufficient information in your question to answer it more fully than this.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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