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  Tuesday, 23 May 2023
  1 Replies
  2.2K Visits
Hello. I'm a 40 yr old female who's had about 26 years of alcohol addiction and about 10 years of 1000 MG valacyclovir every day, give or take. I'm about a year and a half sober, have cut down to 500 MG acyclovir (the original Dr prescribed me that much and on the bottle it said 500, 2 x a day everyday) I didn't even know until recently that it's not good to take it like that. My labs have been constantly good since I got sober, liver enzymes are great. But recently I started having heart palpitations and went to the hospital. My discharge paperwork said acute kidney injury on it and that my kidneys were functioning lower than normal. No one spoke w me about this. I went to my PCP and he said my creatinine levels were fine and we would re do labs in a month. I just did them and my creatinine is at 1.15 and my egrf is 62. Does this mean I have stage 2 kidney disease? I have been taking creatine powder and eating tons of protein for a few months so idk if that can cause these results or if I really do have something wrong. Any advice would help. Thank you. Oh I also take zoloft, wellbutrin and Ritalin. Should I talk to my psych about stopping them? Are they bad for my kidneys?

It is possible you did have some element of reduced kidney function during your episode in the hospital that is continuing to improve with blood work done outside the hospital. I don't know what your baseline level of GFR was, say one year ago, to compare this to what it is now. In general, when trying to make sense of kidney function tests that are close to the normal range, I would eliminate all supplements such as creatine and protein supplements from your diet. They have questionable benefit and can muddy the water when trying to interpret creatinine-based kidney function tests. I would also ensure that your urinary protein levels are normal and you could consider undergoing a kidney ultrasound to ensure your kidney morphology is normal as well.

Unfortunately I am operating very little information in your question but in general that would be some nonspecific advice I might give him his case.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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