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  Saturday, 02 September 2023
  1 Replies
  2.5K Visits
After a scan last year, I was told I have a 6mm stone in left kidney. 2 weeks ago for 2 days I had visible blood in the Urine along with stinging and burning pain. This stopped after starring antibiotics. Could this be caused by the stone if there wasn't any pain except for the stinging and burning? I have an appointment with a urology nurse next week.
1 year ago
A stone in the kidney should not cause what seems to signs of bladder irritation. However, a stone in the bladder could cause such symptoms or else a urinary tract infection (among two common conditions that could present this way - there are others). The fact your symptoms resolved with antibiotics suggests the latter. However, I would suggest you discuss undergoing a cystoscopy with your urologist as visible blood should always be investigated by visualizing the bladder +/- the upper tracts/ureter.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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