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  Tuesday, 03 October 2023
  0 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Hi. I'm a 45 year old woman, 5'4" and 148 pounds. I have a history of autoimmune thyroid disease, but my disease is well managed and my lab levels for my thyroid are all normal. I have normal blood pressure that is around 120/80 but does go higher at medical appointments (I also have anxiety). My PCP has had me keep bp logs and it typically trends at normal.

With that said, my creatinine is now ranging in the 0.81-0.88 range. Is this ok? I looked it up and it says that my renal function is decreased and not normal. How concerned do I need be about this? When I asked my primary, she said that anything under 1.0 is normal, but everything I am reading is freaking me out. Thanks for any guidance.
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