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  Monday, 25 March 2013
  1 Replies
  6.2K Visits
I was diagnosed with minimal change disease at 52yrs. I still have 100% kidney function but spilling protein apprx 3grams. I've tried prednisone and had to stop due to awful side effects. Now trying cyclophosphamide and getting bad side effects but not as awful as the prednisone. Would just like know what are my chances of gettin renal failure and when,, with or without these drugs. Pls and Tks!
11 years ago

Although cyclophosphamide can be a difficult drug to take and does have side effects, it can be very effective in the treatment of minimal change disease. It would be important to see what affects it has on your urinary protein but you can definitely see remission from this disease in response to the therapy you are currently taking. It is reassuring that your kidney function is currently normal.

How long have you been on this treatment?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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