Hello experts, my question is about a patient 33 yrs old , who complained of fever , chills and severe loin pain one week ago . The patient went to hospital where he took analgesics and antibiotic therapy after which his loin pain gradually disappeared. he was kept on NSAIDs & local muscle relaxants . his creatinine was 1.4 mg%. the patient also suffered from upper respiratory infection in the form of acute bronchitis .7 days later his creatinine rised to 3.6 mg% .blood urea = 66 mg%, ACR was 336 mg alb/mg creat , urine analysis showed albuminuria , otherwise no pus cells , no RBCs . abdominal ultrasound was done showing no back pressure changes in the kidneys , with average size . Spleen was enlarged . s.uric acid was high = 10 mg / dl .clinically the patient blood pressure = 120/100 .no lower limb edema , the chest showed crepitations bilaterally.