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  Saturday, 27 April 2013
  2 Replies
  11.3K Visits
Hi all. Which, according to you, is the best book on acid-base and electrolytes? The most important quality I'm looking for is intelligibility and readability. Other than that it should address both the physiological and clinical aspects of the topic adequately. Any web resources dedicated exclusively to this topic? Thank you.
11 years ago

My colleagues at St. Michael's (Drs. Halperin, Goldstein and Kamel) are among the best physiologists in the world. They have written many of the electrolyte chapters in Brenner's Kidney. Their book is different than most classic textbooks, but in my mind, the gold standard to learn about these topics.

A link is included below. I have no vested interest in the sale of these books whatsoever.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
11 years ago
I have gone through a few chapters of the above book and also the Brenner's chapters by the authors. They are well written but I think it would be a good "second book" to read because some knowledge of physiology is assumed in the book.
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