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  Tuesday, 14 May 2013
  2 Replies
  14.6K Visits
Dear Dr Weinstein
My colleagues and I are impressed by the Verres needle you used in your 'PD Catheter Insertion at the Bedside' video. The Verres needle we have in our centres (actually across England) comes just in one part so it is not to separate the inner part and pass the guidwire through it. Most of my colleagues regrettably stopped using that for the very same reason, I still use it for the first puncture.

I appreciate that you might not want to advertise any particular Brand on this website, but this is really about patients safety and I would be really grateful if you could provide me with The Brand and Catalogue Number of that Verres needle to see if I can order it from England please.

11 years ago

We have contacted the video creators and we will be back to you witha response shortly.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
11 years ago
I have sent a response to your private messages.

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