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  Wednesday, 11 September 2013
  3 Replies
  7.1K Visits
my pt has ESRD . hyperkalemia improves post dialysis but if dialysis not done pt complain from hypoxia ... i ask about what is the relation between hyperkalemia and hypoxia . many thanks
11 years ago
Can you clarify this further?

By hypoxic, do you mean the patient is short of breath?

How do you know the patient is hyperkalemic when missing dialysis? Could s/he not be simply volume overloaded?

I suppose if one was hyperkalemic and it precipitated and arrhythmia leading to heart failure, then I suppose s/he might complain of shortness of breath. But we would require more information to determine this further.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
11 years ago
I notice my pt po2 is 87% with hyperkalemia and after dialysis po2 became 94 %
11 years ago

An obvious question but are you removing fluid on dialysis? This would be the most likely reason for improvement, that is improvement in pulmonary edema.

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