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  Wednesday, 04 December 2013
  3 Replies
  14K Visits
I have been diagnosed with major hypertension, which is only barely under control with max doses of multiple medications. I did some lab work a few months ago. The doctor ordered an Alderstone to Renin test, and when the result came in only the Alderston was ready and Renin wouldn’t be ready until after my appointment. The Alderstone was 6 ng/dL with a reference range of <= 30 ng/dL. The doctor didn’t say much about the missing renin results.

Come today I was curious so I went in and asked about the renin result, seems they didn’t get them. They called the lab which faxed over the result. I was a bit taken back at the result. My numbers are 48 ng/ml/h out a range of 0.29 - 3.7 ng/mg/h.
I understand that ACE inhibitor can increase renin levels, but should they be increased to this level. This is over 10 times about the upper limit.
11 years ago

I actually would not place much stock in the renin/aldosterone levels in this case; the aldosterone is not elevated and the renin has a very wide range of abnormal. As you rightly pointed out, ACEi can reflexively increase renin as can diuretics. Now this is not to say that you don't have a condition that could raise renin (such as renal artery stenosis) but I would not place much diagnostic weight behind this one level. There are other drugs that can lower renin (beta blockers, direct renin inhibitors) although it is not clear in your case if renin is driving the hypertension or being reflexively raised by other medications.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
11 years ago
I am currently on a Calcium Channel Blocker, as well as a Beta and Alpha-1 Blocker. I noticed you said a Beta Blocker normally lowers rennin, would you expect my rennin to be lower since I am also on these drugs.

Thanks for the response.
11 years ago
Yes, that's is correct. The renin level you are getting is in part a reflection of a downward effect of the beta blocker. Off of that drug, the renin level might be higher.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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