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  Wednesday, 23 September 2015
  2 Replies
  12.8K Visits
I donated a kidney in 2004. Now I am 43 with urine protein +1 and creatinine 1.3. I really would like to raise muscles and not just tonify. I have been doing weight lifting but not using protein,creatine or aminoacids suplements. You think I will be fine?
9 years ago
Really appreciate you took from your time to answer to me. Thanks.
9 years ago

I am personally not an advocate of supplements as I honestly believe that they offer little to a training regimen. Furthermore, some have unknown ingredients which might be relevant when kidney function is reduced (yours appears only mildly reduced). The 1+ protein should be quantified further, with a protein/albumin to creatinine ratio of a spot urine or with a 24 hour urine. In some cases, depending on the amount of protein present, and depending on your blood pressure, some nephrologists might advocate using an ACE inhibitor or ARB (to reduce both protein excretion and blood pressure where needed).

All this being said however, you are absolutely fine to train.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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