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  Thursday, 10 December 2015
  1 Replies
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I am 45 with a gfr of 54 and creatine 1.09. I asked to see a Nephrologist, she was good but not too concerned and hesitated when I asked her if I was entering stage 3 KD.

For a few months I have been noticing chronic: fatigue, achiness in my muscles or possibly bones, joint pain, at times ichiness and flank pain. It subtle but there. I have a positive ANA with all negative except MCTD I will see a rheumatologist in March for the first time although the nephrologist who I've seen once a year ago said she did not think I had Lupus from looking at my blood work. However I've been assuming feeling my symptoms is a auto immune cause until I began to wonder if it's my kidney's??? What are your thoughts??
9 years ago

A GFR of 54 ml/min still represents very good function. I would not expect that your symptoms are directly attributable to this level of kidney function. I wonder instead whether an underlying explanation for both your musculoskeletal symptoms and renal dysfunction is more likely. It is also possible they are not connected at all. Either way, this level of kidney function is commonly present in people with a solitary kidney (e.g. after kidney donation) and it would be uncommon to have your symptoms in such a context.


Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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