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  Sunday, 31 January 2016
  1 Replies
  13.8K Visits
I saw a patient with a complaint of abdominal fullness. On CT scan, there was apparently a unilateral polycystic kidney. Does this occur? Is it related to conventional ADPKD?

Malcolm Winters
Attachments (1)
8 years ago
The plot thickens. Our radiologist reports the following on this scan:

Large complex / multiloculated cystic left renal mass as described above. The
differential diagnosis includes cystic renal cell carcinoma and multilocular
cystic nephroma. The appearance of this mass is incompatible with focal
polycystic renal disease. Urologic consultation is recommended.

Based on this, urology is removing the kidney. We will see what the pathology shows...

Malcom Winters
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