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  Wednesday, 18 May 2016
  1 Replies
  20.8K Visits
I am a female of 53 with great blood pressure, weigh 132 and am 5'5". I recently had blood tests that show EGFR of 52 with Creatinine of 1.19. In 2014 my EGFR was 76 and my Creatinine was1.0. I've greatly reduced my Cholesterol by taking RedYeastRice. I take Levothyroxine for low thyroid and Latanoprost for glacoma (eye injury). I would appreciate any advice you can provide...Thanks so much.
8 years ago

We would need some additional information to answer you properly.

- Have you had an abdominal ultrasound which will have commented on kidney size or mentioned cysts?
- Do you have any protein in the urine and if so how much
- Do you have hypertension?
- Any other medical problems as an adult or as a child that you might recall?
- Any family history of kidney diseases?

Once we get some of this answered, we can give you a more complete answer. Having said that, there may well be nothing significant going on.

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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