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  Tuesday, 25 July 2017
  5 Replies
  7.4K Visits
Do I need to follow up with more tests after results of UA RBC 8/hpv in my recent urinalysis. ?

How old are you?
Are you a smoker or former smoker?
What is the nature of your kidney disease?
Do you have proteinuria?
Have you had an ultrasound?
Have you had cystoscopy?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
7 years ago
Hello Dr. Weinstein

I am 58 yrs old. I was a light smoker for a few years and quite 5 years ago.
I was recently “downgraded” from CKD stage 3 to stage 2. A cause has not been specified. Although,
it is suspected that hypertension was involved. (it has been well controlled by propranonol )

I do not have proteinuria. I had an ultra sound when I was diagnosed with cod a few years ago and it was normal. My GFR fluctuates between about 55 and plus 60.

I have not had a cystoscopy. The elevated RBC was just discovered a few days ago on my most recent urinalysis. Blood was negative on the dipstick but microscopic assessment showed RBC 8/hpv. I

I contacted my primary provider today and she was somewhat dismissive... not surprised due to my hx of “renal insufficiency.”
I am waiting to hear back from my Nephrologist who initially ordered the tests.

I hope this info was helpful. My gfr was 59, and the other UA results were unremarkable.

Thanks so much for your input. Nancy.

I am always reluctant to attribute RBCs to kidney disease, especially in people who smoke and who are over age 50. In my practice, I would recommend such people undergo cystoscopy to ensure there is no cause for hematuria in the bladder.

7 years ago
Dr. Weinstein,

Yes! This is exactly how I feel about the issue. After doing a great deal of research. it seemed to be the consensus that even though its a small percentage of cases, its vital to rule out bladder cancer and at minimum get more information as to where the blood is coming from .

My dad developed kidney disease later in life, and died a day after having emergency dialysis. He had never been on dialysis until that point. .We expected he would live about another year..(on dialysis) but he died the next day with the machine sitting unused beside him in his hospital bed.

So sad. And no. I never knew what type of ckd he had. It was not poly.. but he did struggle with hypertension through his life.

Thanks for the reasonable advice. Will be interesting to see what the nephrologist has to say.


Are you seeing a nephrologist in Toronto?
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