I have a very challenging case to share and am looking for some guidance. A 32 M, previously well whose only past history is significant for regular cocaine use. He presents with a 4 month history of peripheral edema but no other specific sympt...
If you have the time, I would be very very interested and grateful to hear your take on Veltassa and your own experience with it, (if you have had any) now that it has arrived on the market. Data does seem to indicate that it has a better safety prof...
73 year-old man with 7.5 grams of urinary protein per day. [b]Past Medical History:[/b] [list="1"] [*]Hypertension x decades [*]Diabetes (HbA1C 6%, no complications) [*]Hypercholesterolemia [*]Prostate cancer PSA now, on hormonal replacement ...