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  Sunday, 26 September 2021
  5 Replies
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I am a 40F generally healthy with a history of ANA antibodies and hypothyroidism. No other health issues.

My Creatinine has been creeping up during the years. 5 years ago it was around 60-75. Now it's about 80-90. I had a few readings this year:

Normal range 45-90
92 - lab assay error marked on form

Micro protein ACR was negative earlier this year. Dipstick protein negative today at ER where I went because I'm so scared and depressed about this.

Do I have autoimmune kidney disease? I have no hypertension, no diabetes, take nearly no meds except for synthroid. The lowest dose. I am thin and walk a lot - sometimes 1-2 hrs a day.
3 years ago
I definitely would not panic at this time. Where in the world are you located. Do you have access to an ultrasound and/or a nephrologist?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
3 years ago
Thanks so much. I'm so so worried. I only take tums and sometimes synthroid.
3 years ago
It's really the last two readings which seem to be out of step with your historical ones. I would get an ultrasound done as a first priority, to ensure kidney drainage is normal. I would ensure you have a urine microscopy done to see if blood is present and to look for urinary casts. Depending on the results of the ultrasound I would then proceed with other blood tests. Do you use any supplements or over the counter medications?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
3 years ago
Thank you for the fast reply. Here are some lab results. The most recent results use a slightly different scale because different lab. No, I haven't had any abdominal
Ultrasound except I had a baby 1.5 years ago but not sure if they checked my kidneys then or not. I'm so worried about what could be causing this.
3 years ago

The readings from this year are higher than your baseline but I would like to know the dates for each of the values above to see if it is a significant trend. The lack of proteinuria is reassuring. Was there any blood on the urine? Have you had an abdominal ultrasound?

Dr. Jordan Weinstein
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